Monday, November 10, 2008

Sarah, you’re no Hillary Clinton

“I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a friend of mine. And Sarah, you’re no Hillary Clinton.”

The McCain adviser who leaked that Palin did not know that Africa was not a country comes out of the closet...

Reading the comments is spectacularly amusing. How did this country came to having an entire political party that viscerally resents intelligence?

Update: likely a hoax.

The comments are nevertheless hilarious.


NS said...

>How did this country came to having an entire political party that viscerally resents intelligence?

Quite simple, actually.

- Start with a bunch of people who think they know exactly what's wrong with the country and how to fix it. They (not incorrectly, in some sense) consider themselves very smart.
- They realize they can't sell their ideas to the electorate; need an ally.
- The ally happens to be the redneck country. Ok, so they play the redneck country. They are smart - will be able to play them forever.
- The rednecks get tired of being played and take over.

"Кстати, Рабинович, это и к вам относится".

Sergey Solyanik said...

"Кстати, Рабинович, это и к вам относится".

