Saturday, December 6, 2008

Your tax dollars at work...

Later update: the video was removed from youtube "for terms violation". Luckily, we have non-US sources of information as well.


smok said...

"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."

DzembuGaijin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Очень узкий взгляд на проблему , твои деньги идут и на большую ерунду , чем поддержание Израиля.А если не поддержите , то весь Израиль в Америку эвакуируется , так что выбирай. А по поводу идиотов , которые стреляют , так их везде хватает.Ты лучше спроси кто в Израиле их поддерживает.
Узко , и не в первый раз , увы.

BadTux said...

Oh come on, where else could we send Russians who bribed an official to give them a birth certificate saying they had one yid granny? Israel has a decided purpose for existing -- as the world's largest concentration camp for the world's unwanted Jews. Which is what it is, BTW -- any sane Jew who can get out of Israel w/a visa for somewhere else is getting out, because they can see the writing on the walls. We all know what happens in concentration camps in the end.

The whole country of Israel has gone nuts (as one of my former Israeli friends who is now a U.S. citizen put it, "Likkudnik craziness, that's why I left, I didn't want my daughter raised in the middle of such crazy people"). Thus the reason for propping them up with U.S. funds. C'mon, do you really want those kinds of people over *here*, which is where they'll end up if Israel collapses because the American public simply won't put up with another Holocaust so we'll pretty much *have* to give them asylum? Far better to send them a few pitiful billions per year to stay over there, far, far, from here.

Is that anti-Semitism on the part of Americans? No. The United States is actually the world's largest Jewish state. There are more Jews in America than in Israel. If you want to see anti-Semitism on the part of Americans, go back to 1947, when most of Europe's Jews were still in the same concentration camps that Hitler had put them into -- except re-named to "relocation camps", and with the machine guns turned around to point outwards to defend them from Europeans who wanted to finish the job that Hitler started, rather than pointing inwards. 1947 was when President Harry S. Truman brow-beat the Brits into allowing them into Palestine like the Zionists wanted instead of allowing them into the United States like most of Europe's Jews wanted. Because if Harry had let the Jews into the U.S., he would have lost the 1948 election for sure as a "Jew-lover". That was anti-semitism. Nowdays... not so much. Just a desire to keep a lot of crazy people far, far away, regardless of whether they be Yid or Pal.

- Badtux the Cynical Penguin

Anonymous said...

Интересно,оказывается Америка-единственная приемлемая страна для достойной жизни достойных людей.Будем иметь в виду.

Anonymous said...

Ocen' gumannii bloger.
On navernoe zivet v shtate Washington i iavliaetsia ego korennim zitelem,ni v kogo nikogda ne strelial ,molodez, eto za nego sdelali 200 let nazad.zal' chto togda ne bilo y-tube,interesno bilo bi posmotret'.

Sergey Solyanik said...

Actually, I have no problem letting all Jews from Israel come to the US (and all Arabs as well, and after that thoroughly thermonuking the place so nobody would ever, ever again kill - or keep people in giant concentration camps for 50 years - over the old stones. See Kingdom of Heaven :-)).

As far as crazy people go - it's perfectly fine to be crazy - as long as the craziness does not affect other people. We already have plenty, +/- 6 millions will not make things any different.