Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Malevich hits 1000th code review!

We've been using it for 3 months now in our team of roughly 45 people - 20 devs and 25 testers. This week we've had 1000th code review completed.

Here are a few stats, as of right now:

1008 change lists
17081 file versions
2863 review iterations

If you work at Microsoft and would like to try Malevich, I've set up a test change list here: http://sergeysomsg2/Malevich/default.aspx?cid=299. You can add yourself as a reviewer, leave comments in files, and submit review iterations.

If you're outside Microsoft and want to try it, the source and installation instructions are here: http://www.codeplex.com/Malevich.

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